I've heard both recommendations for early '70s Mavs but I've not been able to find a definitive answer. This is the spec from the owners manual: ESW-M2C128-A It also had a Ford part number at the time: D2AZ-19582-A I've read a few posts here where some people are positive you were supposed to use ATF and some just as positive the other way, standard power steering fluid. I called FoMoCo and all they could find to give me was the spec number referenced above. A retired Ford mechanic I know was working in a dealership shop in the early '70s and has told me he's never heard of such a thing as using ATF in the power steering. If you know the correct answer, and can link to some source of authority to back it up, please do so and show us all. Especially me, I have a brand new power steering system to fire up.
" just the facts mam" that statement might be a little old for some . i use ATF in my two mavs....frank...
ATF was used exclusively throughout the '60s in Ford power steering systems. The transistion to using power steering fluid began in the very early '70s. I recall using power steering fluid in my mom's '74 LTD, ATF in my dad's '69 F-100, and ATF in our '67 Mercury. My understanding is that once you rebuild your power steering system, with all the seals, etc. being new, you can use power steering fluid. You cannot put power steering fluid in a system that is or has run ATF. If and when I get a completely rebuilt (like new) or new power steering system, I will most likely run a synthetic power steering fluid.