Went to pull my centerlink out of my car and when I cranked it out of the control valve there were very few threads left on it. I looked in the valve and did not see shavings and the threads inside it looked good...? I did some searching and I cant seem to find a centerlink for a powersteering set up. Anyone know where to find one? Or would it be best to swap to a manual centerlink and change out the pitman and scrap the valve and pump...Anyone come accross this problem when removing the centerlink? It was not to hard to twist out.
Did you not pull out the pin first? Looks like you did not and wiped out the threads in the process. I would keep the power steering. A center link for power steering will not be hard to find.
yeah I didnt know there was a pin so im sure that was what did it...guess I should really look into things before I cause more trouble and money. I think im going to convert to manual since the centerlink is toste and all the p/s lines are leaking. The threads looked ok when I looked in the valve.
No worries, early on I did the EXACT same thing. that is why I recognized it. I have a power steering center link if you want to go that route. Email me DIRECTLY (see below) if I can help.
Thanks to Craig I have successfully converted my car to manual steering!! It was a easy swap and im glad I did it. Back on the road
Did you use the power steering box and convert the valve or did you switch to a manual center link? Just wondering.
Haha no I messaged him and said I wanted to convert it to manual so I dont have to keep messing with the powersteering set up. He had a complete setup from a 70 mav, so I switched to a manual centerlink and gearbox. Im happy with it!!
Yes....two boxes. Gear box in a medium flat rate box (if it fits, is ships). Center link and tie rod ends in a seperate box. It is actually cheaper to send them seperate.