I'm finally getting around to posting a picture or two of my project. This project started out by buying this 72 Maverick from a guy on this list and the exterior of the car still looks like it did when I bought it. I plan to paint the whole thing black. I have the Mustang II cross member welded in and put the old Mustang II arms, springs, etc to make sure everything fits and I dropped in an extra Big Block and trans to see how the ride height is. Once I get everything fitted up, I'm get a new rack, new brakes, arms, etc., and paint the engine compartment. The 460 looks small in the engine compartment now that the shock towers are gone. Now it is time to see what headers will fit and fab the engine mounts/plate. Hopefully the pictures will show up here. Later Mark
Coming along nicely. At which local track will I be seeing you (Angleton, HMP, HRP, Lonestar)?? Who knows, a few of us Houstonians might have to go to track and pit together this season.
Sweet! The slots look great too... They are getting few and far between nowadays. Keep us posted. Dave
nice job so far you will have to make your own headers there is acompany that sells header kits its called www.headersbyed.com i just happened to have two sets of headers so i used them to make mine...my pics are posted on here.... if you want any pics of my project i would be glad to send them your way...Barry ...
Man! I love the Mean and nasty nostalgia look those wheels give the car ...If it were mine I would leave them on it for sure!
That car has a killer nostagia look,kinda like an early pro stock with the mail box on the hood a those cool slots I WANT THEM!!!! Derek.
Ed is a good guy to work with, I got my stuff thru him.....be forwarned though, he can be a little long winded