has any one tried this? does anyone know where I can find a set of intrucstions or a how to on this?? My collum got messed up and now im pushin or pulling the rod on the ignition switch to start my car. I want to see about the toggle switch and push button start sort of like nascar!! thanks guys!!
Easy to do, if that's what you want... Mount a 2-terminal pushbutton switch wherever you want it. Run a wire to the left side of the solenoid where the battery cable attaches, and run the other one to the "s" terminal on the solenoid.
it seems that way but im so scared!! i dont want to fry my car. I got an very expensive push start button as a gift. It has 4 places to wire too but im not sure if it will work. the way i start my car now is I pull the rod on the ignition swithc then then push a button was wired to the soleniod. to turn off the car i pull the rod towards me. its weird. i just dont know what wires connect to where on the switch or what happens to the rest of the wires on the ignition switch. do i still need them??
you have to purchase very good wire and if the switch is cheap it want last long before it burns up. I did it once on a chevy by the time I purchased the wire, a good switch and a batt cut off I could have just fixed the original switch lol. but if you want it they are pretty cool.
its one of those "keep it clean" push start buttons. Just right now i dont have a tumbler, so my key wont work any more. just the rod n cheap button for now but i want it clean looking and cool. im just trying to figure out how do i wire it in.
I have one,Honda s2000 set up with a relay. The key now only supplies power, although I do forget sometimes and rotate the key to start and nothing happens. I am also using a 26 curcuit universal wiring harness.
I have never started my car with the key For the longest time I had a momentary push button mounted where the wiper knob was, I also wired the neutral safety switch in it as well; All the key did was lock the column. Now I have my key wired to supply power. But I still use a push button.
When I designed my dash it was on the list of thigs I wanted. It's the little red botton next to the steering wheel. There is a power port next to the start button. (yes the dash has been recovered the wrinkles on the edge are gone :bananaman)
what about safety though? couldn't someone just bust your windshield and drive off with the car? also, what if you wanna just listen to the radio with the car off, how do you do that then?
ok i know nothin about wiring so i need instructions lol or pictures. im hacving trouble grasping the whole idea of me and electricity. i got a button now where do i go from there??
If you would rather keep it stock I have some extra ignition switches and lock cylinders you can have.
In the comet I had... it had a button in the ashtray to start it. I think they key originally turned the power on to it, but I don't recall correctly. The button was hard to notice if you didnt know what you were looking for. As for wiring a radio, it wouldn't be hard. Just wire it to another power source On a 66 F-100 i built for the drag strip I had switches and push button starter in it. Of course the truck orignally had push button to start with. The starter button would work regardless if the ignition power switch was on. Then I had a switch for head/tail lights and one for e-fan, one turned sideways for left and right turn and one for the radio.