so as many of you know my maverick is my daily driver given im a junior in high school. while driving ive noticed that when i go up an incline (no matter how big) the car seems to momentarely lose accelaration, it hard to describe unless youve driven the car, but if feels odd and like something is wrong. Note: it just started this behavior a week ago. Any ideas on what might be the issue?
what engine and carb do you have? are you giving the gas pedal any extra pressure when you start up the hill?
Gravity Have you tried kicking it down a gear manually? Actually the kick down rod should do it automatically, but I know a lot of people remove it. So check to see if it's still there.
As though under load there is a flat spot?? Sounds like a ignition problem maybe.. Make sure the dist. cap and rotor have no corrosion, and spen 100 buck and get a Pertronix II to replace points. Could be carburator too.. need engine info..
Makes me wonder if the float in the carb is a little low to begin with. The incline could make it worse.