Hi Guys, I am looking at buying a 72 Maverick that is presented as having only 72k miles and all original. The car is white with a blue and black interior. My issue is the seats and door panels are blue, but the carpet is black. The front of the dash where the a/c vents is blue but the dash pad, gauge cluster, heater control cover, steering column and package tray are black. See picture below...... Did they make multi-color interiors like this or is the guy blowing smoke about the mileage and originality. Thanks for your input!
No multi-colored interior like that. That interior is not ALL original. The instrument cluster, the heater control bezel, and the dash pad should all be blue...like the rest of the dash.
I have a 71 Maverick grabber that is Grabber blue out side with 2 tone blue\black just the same as you are looking at Mrcomet.
You have the same mismatched dash colors like this? Cool ............ sounds like another Ford Maverick mystery / legend, in the making ............
I rather like the blue/black. Paint the ashtray and glovebox black too! Wait, it doesn't have a glovebox, huh? 'Cause it's not as new as my '74! (I wish mine had the tray like the cool older Mavs....) CommieHook
Maverick Grabbers did have a black dash in the center (the entire center of the dash) and the rest of the color interior on the rest of the dash. Is this what you are describing?
my '73 had a glove box. all I did was get an...early tray w/brackets...and swapped it... Frank...:Handshake
This is what jhohlfeld's dash looks like, I snapped this while I was there this afternoon. It isn't exactly the same, it is all black between the dash pad and chrome strip lower on the dash. Sorry about the low quality pic, forgot camera at home and had to use my phone.
Sorry, My bad! Somebody changed my steering wheel, it has a blue one with a black column, and a black package tray. I am going to change the wheel again any way though, going something smaller. Later, Joel