Did Mavericks ever have a radiator overflow container? My 75 doesn't but I saw one on Ebay. Maybe I'm just missing mine. Where in the engine compartment did they go? RichK
That one on eBay is out of a Chrylser ... I had the guy send me better pictures. Mavericks DID NOT come with an overflow can. They were available as a dealer installed option and a very rare. I think you would need a different type of radiator cap if you install a tank to allow the overflow to be sucked back in as the engine cooled ...
I had one on my 76 mav. My 75 mav did not have one. They could have started to put them on in 76 but not sure.
I just strapped a water bottle on the side of my radiator and ran the over flow into it, works pretty well, I know it's redneck, but I "are" one A lot nice than just letting the fliud pour on the ground at shows
Thanks for posting this, I wondered the same question myself if they came with over flows or not and that answers my question as well. I'm with shaunh82 vbmenu_register("postmenu_76071", true); on this one. I'm probably going to throw a waterbottle in mine as well. Thats what a friend of mine has done on a few of his old cars and it looks fine. Some people even go as far as using old coke bottles in some hotrods it looks kinda cool... tons of creative ideas on what you can collect rad fluid in.
What kind of Radiator cap would one need to make a recirculating overflow tank work. I was just about to order one. Is it even worth messing with or should I just go with a non-recirculating bottle.
Jegs and Summit both sell well made plastic recirculating bottles for around $15. Go to a parts store and buy a recirculating cap for about $5. I mounted my bottle inside the fender just behind the headlight bucket/panel. If you check the archives there was a couple discussions about this before.
Anyone have a pic of the ones on the newer Mavericks/Comets, if they had them I think it is a great idea, but I don't want to hang a colostomy bag or somesuch. Charles