I've decided to sell my Beretta. I really like that car, but I need to make a commitment to hotrodding one or the other. Oh well, The money will give me enough to purchase a full-tilt 302, or a run-of-the-mill 302 plus major handling upgrades. Sacrifices! Wish me plenty of luck!
Wow ... a Beretta will sell for enough to buy a full-tilt 302? Been a while since I even seen one of those cars on the road ...
Ehhh...... What I consider full-tilt. I'm a poor boy. Full-tilt means do-it-myself. Bare block build-up. 302 speed parts are cheap these days considering Ebay and Summit is decent too.
WOW - You're not the only one selling a Beretta. I am also selling my Beretta - and yes, I'll probably use some of the money on my '73! http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=179359100&dealer_id=56056611&car_year=1992&make=CHEV&distance=25&lang=en&max_price=&model=BERETT&end_year=2006&min_price=&certified=&address=74429&search_type=both&advanced=&start_year=1981&isp=y&cardist=0