I'm rebuilding my control valve and I have a question to anyone who's put one together. I'm pretty much done except for the the parts that screw into the brass bushing. How far in does the piece with roll pin holes thread into the brass bushing? Is it all the way until the roll pin holes line up with the slots in the brass bushing?
valve rebuild Just did this yesterday (yeah I know this is a late response to your question) and that threads in until one of the holes lines up so you can insert the roll pin. The slack will exist on the ball stud until you tighten the nut on the opposite end of the valve. The instructions that come with the kit are a joke, just an exploded view of the valve. I took pictures while taking it apart and had to review them a few times during reassembly. Glad to hear somebody else went thru this nightmare besides just me.
That's ok, better late than never right? I got it back together not long after that. I must have figured it out, or it could only go in one way. Probably should have replaced the whole thing as looked like someone had been in there before. I actually had a haynes manual for 65-73 Mustangs which had a little more detail in the process than the stupid directions from the kit. So far, so good. No leaks and and one handed parking
P/Steering I also installed a new power steering pump and all new hoses. Only the power ram (previous to me it was replaced) is the same. What a difference in steering. Like you said its now one handed steering. Who ever designed such a dopey system anyway? :16suspect
I drove mine around for a long time with a hose looped back to the pump. I didn't have the right hoses to hook it up so just drove it around unhooked and had the ram off in the trunk. One day I finally ordered the the hoses and a new boot for the ram and hooked it all up. When I filled it with fluid it started dripping immediately out of the control valve shaft. I had a few choice words as I was already in a bad mood because I apparently have the wrong pump and the hose didn't fit right. Any way, it's all better know. Yeah, the system always seemed like it was an after thought to me. But what do we know, we're not engineers!
Actually I am an Mechanical Engineer. No way would I ever design something so convoluted. The first set of hoses, for the valve to ram, I got from autokrafters were stretched like a banjo string. I have headers and the drop bracket so I thought I would have them make me some custom hoses. The tech guy over there said "oh you don't need custom hoses, looks like you ordered the wrong hoses". DOH So now I have the correct hoses for a 72 V8 Maverick C6OZ-3A714/7PR . Those part # hoses are listed for 67-68 Mustang also. Sux to pay twice for those hoses