Hi all found your sight the other day.I am a maverick owner from long ago in 1977 for my second car I found a 74 grabber it had just came into the dealership and they hadent even cleaned it up it was spotless I made the deal and bought the car and loved it . About a year and a half later I was turning left into my dads driveway and a chevelle decided to pass me needless to say it didnt survive . I have always looked for another off and on and about 2 months ago one was found same color except the white along the bottom and the white vinyl top and its a 76 but every thing else the same.It was owned by a lady who is 102 years old it hadent been licensed since 05 and she had bought it new and kept it in her garage its perfect.It drives ao nice and just glad to find it .As soon as i figure out how to put pics up i will thanks Tom.
Welcome. Sounds like a really nice find. try the free image hosting sites. http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy-...78,d.aWc&fp=b1945fc1256c87a2&biw=1536&bih=687
from Atlantic Canada! If you host your pictures on another site, right-click 'properties' of the picture and copy them. When you post here, hit the yellow box with the mountains in it and paste the copied link there. Sounds like you found quite a treasure
Hi, Same story, youll see a picture of my 74 Grabber taken in 1979 in Miami FL. in my pictures. It met its fate in an intersection 1980. The 1976 stallion Ive been restoreing, also in my pictures my tribute to that car. Its my Grabber/stallion. Post a picture soon Kevin
Tom - I received your email. Read this on posting pictures. You can attach them to a post using this guide. Make sure the pictures are not too big in size. http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=23262