Hi Guys, I have a 71 Comet GT with the 8 inch rear end. It started with a small leak. I just had all of the gaskets and the pinion seal done about 5 months ago. Its been fine since then. I checked all the bolts and they are tight. From where the oil residue is it looks like it may be coming out of the fill plug. Anyone have this problem before. What size is the plug? Does it require a gasket? Obviously I've never messed with this before. Appears to be an easy thing to fix if it's the problem. Might as well give it a try........... Any insight is greatly appreciated!!!
Have you seen a Doctor about your leaky rear end?? All seriousness aside, if it is the plug put some teflon tape or liquid on the thread and reinstall., but check for the proper fluid level and make sure the vent hole is not plugged causing pressure build up in the housing.
I'll go ahead an plull the plug and tape it just in case. Excuse my ingnorance about this but where is the vent hole located. Insert joke here.......
The vent is usually at the top of the housing. I have never looked for one on an 8 in. housing, but I'm sure there is one there. It will have a cover over it to keep water, etc from getting in, but lets pressure out.
The vent is the bolt that holds down the rear brake flex line, it should have a hose coming off it, going up into the under body supports of the car.
make sure that the vent hose is not pluged up and take out the fiting that goes in to the housing that the hose goes onto and check it to see if its pluged. it only has a pin sized hole in side it that plugs easly.
If fill plug was replaced, check an make sure this is not hole in it. After reinstalling the plug an tightening up, spray cleaner an clean area real good. Look at brake drums an see if they look greasy while your under there.
Hello fellow leaker .. I've heard of this before .. and its not uncommon. I don't think there is a gasket for the fill plug but if that is where the problem is why not try some teflon tape around the threads and re-seat it . That might work. Chip @ CAMEO
Good advice. Some of the Chinese plugs nowadays come with factory installed holes! These plugs take a 3/8" ratchet IIRC [might be 1/2"], and I have seen the casting on the inside of the square hole have a bubble in it, after a few times of removing and reinstalling they wear a small pinhole or bust the bubble, especially if the ratchet slips. Same thing on the square outside plugs, if the wrench slips a few times, it can wear a hole in a thin casing.
mrcomet Before you remove the fill plug I would get two cans of brake clean and clean all the grease of the rear end housing take your car for a drive to see where the leak is IF it is a fill plug use some teflon tape on the threads IF the leak is from around the center section mounting studs you will need to remove the nuts and install copper washers on the studs and reinstall the nuts USE ONLY COPPER WASHERS with a little silicon sealer under the washer . jay