The rear Floor pans are here, as well as the heal patches,, Thus Far all floor parts are in production, They are made as Ordered,, any Floor pan front or rear are By order only,, WE are not making to stock these items. Here is the Photos of the Rear Pans and heal Patches.
Joe, Can you make a bucket seat reinforcement plate? Micah
Are you Talking that metal brace that runs from the trans tunnel to the Seat perch,,? We already make those,, They are $50. a side.
If Its that Floor Re-enforcement Plate in that Link,, We make it,, We do not Stock parts any longer,, every thing is Made to Order,, I Have 2 More Bays to work in Since we Sold off All the Stock we Produced,, Sheet Metal is By Order Now,,
Front Pans are $75. per side,, Rear are $100. per side. Front Toe patch is $30. per side,,, More photos can be viewed on Face book at ,, Maverick Comet Restoration It is a closed group But I will Approve you, You can also see many more parts that are made and the Projects in the works,, Thank You Joe