Has anyone repaired their reclining bucket seat? My son's passenger seat now reclines all the time after he heard a pop inside the seat. Is there a cable or some type of lock that may have broken? He has not looked inside yet. These are the stock 77 bucket seats for his maverick...Jim
Jim, I think the spring inside may have snapped, I had that happen to me in 1974 Dodge Dart Swinger 4DR. Not, the same car by any means, but should be similiar fix, the sping was attached to cable, that held it locked, until you push the release lever at the base of the seat. This is just my guess. Good luck! Erik
Yea, my seat was like that for a while, and i used a wood board to prop it up lol. i pulled the seat apart and i saw in the hinge that metal pin on both sides of the seat had been broken. to fix. i sawed off the pins. then i drilled out the holes. I took a bolt, with a rounded flathead tip, and ground it down some. so that it could move inside the hinge. and i just put it in the same spot as the old broken pin. and so now the seat works fine.