Does anyone use one and if so where did you get it? What brand is best based on your experience. Thanks!
I have one on my transmission. It is one w/fan. I also run a remote oil filter. It ads an extra qt. To the oil capacity.
I use one from a 1992 5.0l police Mustang. It's not remote, it's a sandwich type under the oil filter which necessitates using an FL300 oil filter.
Why do you need a oil cooler??? Unless you are seeing temps in excess of 210*F it isn't needed... On a street engine if temps are above 210* you need to find out why... Of course without a oil temp gauge no one really has a idea what temps are but assuming a good cooling system, should be approx coolant temp... On a auto trans limiting temp to around 175* is beneficial for your trans...
Injected, I got a cop car cooler too. It came with the motor, so I installed it. My builder said he liked them since it brought the temperature up on cold days and helped to bring it down when it was hot. Sounded good to me and it was just a couple of lengths of heater hose to make it work. Micah
the engine is staying really cool as it is. I am more interested in the sandwich adaptor I need. thanks
No affiliation to the auction: Micah
I never measured oil temp, I just came across a deal so I installed it. I did however notice an increase in hot oil pressure at idle of 7-10 psi and the oil does seem to warm faster.
short on time.. won't post a 500 word response for once.. yaayyyy.. and will just leave you with this to consider. Now, while I can't/won't say that I've never done a remote cooler without a t-stat in the past.. I would NEVER EVER consider doing one on anything that I was trying to improve upon without a t-stat. You gain on the extreme end of the service requirement.. but lose far too much on the front end. Which is probably why you never see a factory unit without a t-stat these days. Gives you your cake and allows you to stuff your face with it too. There's tons of various designs which can be made to work on our systems. Just a matter of how much you're willing to spend to implement them. Be VERY careful of too many bends in any system and smooth radii are always best. Some light reading about design variables and options.$.pdf
never heard of such a thing...I have ran oil coolers (engine/transmissions) all my life... not saying it's a bad thing.