My car caught on fire a while ago and because of some unrelated issues, I've been putting it off until now. I need a ballpark estimate of how much it would cost to get a mechanic to repair the engine. I've just been way too busy lately with school to do it myself. However, I figure I'll deal with the cosmetic issues myself, because that is just too much to have it done professionally. The fire basically damaged all of the belts, wires, and hoses on the left side of the engine bay. It also got ash everywhere, including inside the carb and presumably inside the intake manifold. In the pictures, I have already removed most of the burnt stuff, and the air cleaner. So can you guys give me a rough estimate of how much this would cost to get repaired by a professional? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I would say a mechanic might charge you up to $1000 to fix that....maybe more. If it was my car, I would replace everything rubber that even LOOKED slightly cooked. All new belts, all new hoses, rebuild the carb, somde rewiring of wires that got burnt up, etc.
Why pay someone to replace rubber hoses, belts and some of the wires? Id spend the money on things more involved, or in a skill set I dont have.
Have you had a V8 today?? Prime time to take the dive. I can think of no better reason right now other than the compartment needs a new coat of paint. Seriously though, depending on labor rates in your area I would think $800 to $1,600.