I have a 74 with 302 and c4 . Instead of using this , I would like to go with a roller 302 and t5 . I am looking at buying a Mustang as a parts car . What year would work out best , and simple to use . The less amount of electronic the better .
The '85 5-speed(not automatics) is the only year that's carbed and has the roller 5.0 but they're just about cult status now, not likely to find complete one as a parts car... The '87- '93 is your best bet but all are EFI, use a rear sump pan and have 50 oz balance crank(as does any 5.0 from '82-up)... The '86 has poor flowing heads otherwise are basically same as later 5.0... The '94 & '95 can be used and are most likely the most common these days.. These use a deeper bell and longer input on the T-5 to locate the shifter a bit farther rearward than the earlier models... For the engine, be aware you'll use only the long block as nothing else is compatible... Will require a 50oz 157T flexplate if you use your C4 trans as all AOD used a 164T... For stick you'll have to purchase a bracket to bolt the clutch Z bar on to, after '80 that boss is missing on all 302/5.0 blocks...
I just bought a 5.o out of a 2000 Explorer. It has the GT40P heads, that, from everything I've read are a good way to go. I also purchased a 3.73 locker rear end out of a Explorer that I hope to put under my 70 Maverick. Here is a good link to follow my plan.... http://www.hotrod.com/how-to/engine/1408-make-503hp-with-a-350-junkyard-302/