I got a set for only $25 so that I don't have to have 2 seperate keys for the door and ignition. The key set didn't come with instructions, I don't think the door one will be hard to figure out but is there instructions I can get somewhere for the ignition or is it pretty basic?
Remove the steering wheel, and there is a pin that locks the ignition cylinder into the column, you either, pull it or push it, and the cylinder will come out. It's been a long time since I did it.
Remove the steering wheel and you will notice a small hole along the area that the ignition local cylinder goes into. Turn the ignition to the on position and insert a stiff wire or paper clip in the hole to depress the pin. You will then be able to remove the lock cylinder.
...And where did you get this set? Is this one key for both doors and the trunk as well? Sounds like something I would like!
thanks! that sounds simple enough (famous last words!) So there are 3 cylinders and one key but it's only for the doors and the ignition. I will still need 2 keys, the seond one being for the trunk. It would be great to have one key for everything. I'm sure someone out there makes something like that. I asked a lock smith one time and I showed him my keys to see if he could re-key the trunk lock but he said he couldn't.
if I'm not mistaken you could have a key cut for both locks--one side for he doors and ignition the other side for the trunk...wooh-lahh one key. Or only swap the drivers side door and use the second for the trunk instead...not positive if that one is posible though. I think that that I'm wrong about that its been a looong time since I've done something like that. If so someone here please correct me. Robb
The trunk key (round head) and door/ignition key (square head) are opposite shapes and will not physically interchange. On these double cut keys you can cut one side to fit one lock and the other side for another. You then have a 50/50 shot of inserting it correctly in the lock or you can color code it to make it simpler.
You can re-arrange the tumblers in your door lock so the ignition key will fit/work. Might need an extra door lock to swap out to the correct length pin or cut longer pins shorter.