Parts are starting to be completed at a very fast rate,, we have 2 and 3 parts coming out every other day,,, A list was posted with the part numers in the Sticky area,, those numbers will help to Identify the parts you need and make ordering alot easier,, Also if you do not see a part listed that you need please just let me know,,, I will post an answer,,, A list of dealers will be coming out soon so the time it takes to receive your parts will be greatly reduced,, your Local dealers will be able to help as well with future parts and requests,,, Dave Boyer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, All of Canada. Chip Crenshaw,,,,,,,,,,,,, Florida and Georgia.Cameo club. Ray Parish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Alabama and surounding area's. Tony RPS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Western States. ------------- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Indiana and surounding area's. We are still looking to fill some of the gaps,, If you are Interested please PM me with a phone number and a time You can be contacted..:Handshake Thank You Joe
Are you makin any of the plastic moulding clips for the chrome on the doors where the window meets the door ? they are always dry rotted and breaking. thanks. what is involved in being a dealer ? 903-374-1145 any day time before 5:00 pm , 903-636-5635 after 5:30pm
Go to an Auto Body Supply Store with an example ... they literally have a 600 page book showing every fastener an auto manufacturer has ever used ... and they can order it for you.
If you need parts,,, Listed at the beginning of this thread is a list of Dealers,,, Direct your orders to the one nearest you to save time on shipping,,, Your Local dealer will keep all that is ordering parts from him on a mailer,, so any new parts that come out,,,you will be notified ,,,,of price and release dates,,, We are still working the kinks out of this system so any Idea's,,, Please let us know,, Thank you Joe
thanks for the info, was considering making some , but better to find em made. have you bought these before ? thanks
I have to talk to some people over here in Mexico to get you a dealer. You know Mavericks have a cult following here, pretty much like Brazil.
Sounds like a plan,,,, PM me with a number and Time to get ahold of you,,, and lets see if we cant get a Dealer in Mexico,, :Handshake Thank You Joe