My 18 year old daughter is ready to start racing my Mav, which brings up several safety issues. I knew this was coming so I have to admit, the 6 point cage and ladder bars was built mainly for that reason. I have purchased a fire bottle system and will install it this weekend. Someone has already suggested a means to discharge the fire bottle at the rear of the car and another battery shutoff, inside the car, which I thought were great ideas. It is funny the things we will race until we put our kids in it...... I also have bought one of those pointed glass breaker tools and I am going to mount it close by with a quick release type of latch. I was thinking that upside down, car bent up, doors won't open glass won't roll down, trying to unhook a window net, fuel leaking, IN THE DARK, waiting for rescue, would not be very fun, and am trying to cover all the bases. I will be making her wear a two piece fire suit and gloves. Are there any other suggestions or experiences that someone would like to throw out? The car is only running 11.00, at 118, but I want to cover all the bases.
they make a fuel valve for the fuel line from the cell that if you go upside down shuts off the fuel coming out of the cell. i'm not sure but i think circle track racers use this a lot. steve, where is she going to run and in what class?
Steve put a stop acossed the brake pedal so if the clip that holds the rod in the master clyinder brakes the pedal cant come out. I learned the hard way.
A toe strap over the gas pedal is a good idea, but you will have to convert from a cable to a linkage.
"The car is only running 11.00, at 118" you're kind of down playing that ...11 sec. car... you can use..."only running" front of a 14 sec. car... ... ...
I know they are expensive and I don't use one but you might consider a Head and Neck Restraint System for your child. Check this article on Kaylee Greer an 8yr old racer, Last reports has Kaylee improving.
yes I agree with your (steve) statement about what we will race, but not let our kids race There is no way one of my kids (if old enough) would race PINKY the way she sits right now *But as unfurtunate as it is, you cannot plan for everything, but it sounds like you are on the right track! I think one of the most important things for your daughter is seat time. DE-TUNE the dog doo-doo out of the car and let her get the feel for the steering, brakes etc. etc. Take plenty of video's of her while she is at the track, when you guys get home, sit down, watch the video and talk about it. Let her tell you what she "was" feeling and you can give her some input from your past experiences. Communication between you and her will be very important. then gradually give her more tune. Good luck.
I think Mr. John Ford's use of the crawl before you walk before you run theory is excellent. Start her out slow and build her up.
yeah, just like we did, or should have. mntony, are you still going to firebird tomorrow night? if so look me up.
Quick and easy....disconnect the rear two barrels on the carb. Run it as a two barrel until you feel she is comfortable with the car.
this is the best way for any young driver to learn. before our parents let us race jr dragsters they made us get used to driving and get a feel for a car at slow speeds. my bro started racing right as the track opened in town. we borrowed a jr before his was finished and he drove it in circles for a long time at idle and low speeds. with me they towed me behined the golf cart in the pits and then let me drive around the pits when no one was around to hit or destracet me. we then started slow and now my bro occasionally races my moms 8.20 dragster at 158 mph and his 10.9 mustang at 128. my maverick is actually slower than the jr i drove the last couple of years to 330 and then it starts to slowly pull away after that. just make sure she is comfortable in the car and dont try to scare her by going too fast too soon. matt