Ok I have been hearing this noise with my mav for some time but now its getting worse. it makes this screeching noise mostly when its cold but now is seems that the car take really long to warm up. i did find something on youtube that sounds like the noise im hearing and i hoped that someone on hear has had that same issue and would let me know how to fix this issue. also the car takes long to warm up and it wants to turn off on me at stop lights i have to put it in nutral so it wont turn off. any ideas on these issues. any help would be great!!!:16suspect
Like the guys said, belt in most cases. I have also heard similar if water pump bearings, or idler pulley bearings are shot (on serpentine setup). But neither should affect how long it takes to warm up. might heat up faster...
take off the belt and see if any of the pullys are hard to turn or are loose. if they are all good then then try a new belt.
I have a screeching noise in my Maverick, coming from the passenger seat. It's my girlfriend telling me to slow down...