I have been sanding, grinding, painting, and working away on my engine bay. Well, I got the passenger side shock tower brace off fine. Painted it and it looks great amongst the rest of the engine bay. Theres only one problem. The drivers wont come off. One bolt spins with the nut thus making it impossible for me to loosen it. I know theres got to be a way to back up the bolt but I cant figure it out. Any help?
Try wedging a flathead screwdriver between the brace and the top of the shock tower putting some leverage against the tower. That may keep the bolt from spinning.
If you are talking about the ones on top of the shock tower, last time I had that problem, I cut a slot in the top of the bolt with a dremel so I could use a flat head to hold it while backing the nut off with a boxed end wrench. I hate it when that happens!
I was talking about the one on the shock tower. And I guess I still am cause I havent done nothing about it yet.
the stock bolts have a square head to them, and they stay in place by having the flat side hit against metal under the shock tower cover. mine were rounded off and spun as well.. i used a grinder to cut them down because i couldnt even loosen them. jamie had a good idea as well.. other wise, you can use a cut off wheel and just cut it off, just above the shock tower cover and then use a screwdriver/prybar to pry the cover off the bolt
I had to do this once and found that someone had used BUMPER BOLTS and ground the head down a little to make it flat. Well, not flat enough to make it slide out easy!