My neighbors have finally had enough! They are complaining that I've got too many Mavericks in the back yard! Do you really think I should build a higher fence?
Geezzee, Doug! I guess I just assumed that because you had so many you took care of them. I guess I shouldn't assume! Anyway, I don't think you need to build a taller fence, just puch a couple down from the top and you're all set. Very cheap, too! -Corbin P.S. Junkyard story?? Please tell. I wish I could find that many Mavs over here in one place. Can you say gold mine?! Any good parts?
Novel way to store cars, think I will try it. With 13 cars around here it can be a task just to get to the one I want. Do the scratches wax off after you unstack them? Dan
If you duct-tape each stack together you could use them as compact triple-decker buses to raise funds for the resto projects.
Doug I just saw an info-mercial that would solve your problems. It was for "Space Bags" You just put all of you stuff in the bag-hook up a vacume pump,suck out all of the air and the stuff automaticly shrinks for compact storage. And when you ready to use the stuff inside, just break the seal and it all comes back to its original size. Cool HUH? LOL Russ
you went to klingers and didn't tell me????? oh wait... he only stacks his 2 high try mowing the grass... maybe that'll shut em up
Hey Doug..... I am looking for a small front bumper! Could you climb up on that blue one on the right and get it for me? Had to be on the top!