I know this should be in the transmission section, but i need to know asap. so as it sits right now i just purchased a 2400 stall for my C4 thats all i've got so far and with my set-up, the tranny just wont hold for long..my stall alone was $350 so should i try and talk this guy down and return my stall? it seems like a good deal but i'd need a little more information on it, plus do all C4's bolt up no problem? (shaft splines?) thanks everyone, sorry for the wrong section/ http://www.usednanaimo.com/classifi...llet-servo--new-11-2500-stall-torque_16605518
Now it's in the right section. The new posts button doesn't exclude the transmission section. Putting this elsewhere doesn't get you any more exposure, it just means someone has to move it to the right place. Next one will just disappear and get no exposure at all. No all c4's are not the same. There are two different spline counts for the input shaft. I don't remember the specifics.
Thats is the older style torque converter, it says on the box that it is 24 spline, there for it is the old green dot transmission. I would have your transmission rebuilt, for less money you could have the same and know for sure what you have.
i hope your not meaning the problem is it wont hold 2400 in gear standing still, stalls dont work that way,you will probably only be able to hold 1400 to 1600 , unless you have a transbrake, unless you bought 1 for that thing, and it would take a 9 inch conv. to do that probably,are smaller, i had a 9 1/2 4200 stall it would hold about 2100 and that was pushing it after that the rear tires would spin
i called for a quote on mine..i think it's gonna be high but i'm waiting for a call back. and the other shop wont even touch my tranny...cool eh. in the meanwhile i called the guy with this trans for sale and he told me pretty much what the add said, plus 5 pack high and had a Log (low?) gear kit. i asked about the valve body and he wasn't too positive he gave me the # for a place in cali that built it but it and the invoice number to ask them but it was disconnected.. so i'm not sure what to do now..i cant tell what valve body it has by looking at it, i am a tard when it comes to transmissions.
My tranny shop here charged me about $650 to build it for drag racing. Then about $400 for the TC. Not sure what HP it's good for but I've got 3 years on it with no problems so far. Running 12.0s with it. Problem I have buying from someone else is you never know what you are really getting. For that much money I'd like to be sure even if it costs me a little more.
I am with Don on this one, I bought a tranny like he is advertising (green dot) from a person that had just been rebuilt about the same way this one was. It was built by a reputable company Art Carr, I got ten miles out of it before it went out, took it to local shop and had it rebuilt and got ten miles out of it again, it had something to do with the valve body, anyhow wasnt going to do it again and bought tranny from Broader Performance and never looked back again. It may be worth your effort to broaden you search area, I know it is a hassle but would probably worth your while. Send Cliff (Grabber71) an email or PM he is in your area perhaps he could steer you the right direction. Are you able and willing to cross the border to pick one up ? If so check out http://www.broaderperformance.com/en/9-ford-c4- or perhaps they could ship one to you for a reasonable price
Seems a bit pricey to me! Maybe ask who built it? I would call Jim Mantle(Mantle transmissions)..I couldn't find his work number but his home number is 337-8708. He builds the best stuff around here and is very reasonable and extremely knowledgeable! Tell him I referred you...
I emailed cliff a couple times lastnight actually he is thinking bout getting a new one and putting his trans up forsale.. As of right now I'm confused as hell about transmissions; I have no prior experience with them and didnt realize they were this complicated and what not. I'm lost.