we are having a big bucks race and party at SIR in Tucson over the holiday weekend. It starts with parking on friday and goes through new years eve ending with a party to bring in the new year. here is the link to the flyer http://sirace.com/html/bigbuck.html. If you want to go and you pre-enter, you get entered into a bonus race on saturday for free if you don't enter by the 21 of Decenber it is $50 to enter that race. go to www.sirace.com if you need any other details.
i hope mavericks are able to represent us there.. if i was still in tucson, i would be there for sure
well we are now done racing for the year 2007. Mavericks were not very well represented in numbers but they dominated the no box winners circle. It all started saturday with the bonus race when my only real good race was against Tibor Kadar one of the best no box racers in arizona. i ended up winning the bonus race which got me a complete Ron's fuel injection flying toilet setup worth $1500. then sunday morning on the run for the i dialed an 11.20 and ran an 11.200 to win. after the great start i didn't slow down beating some of the better racers in town and once again Tibor. in the finals i took a .0017 stripe at the finish line for the win. on monday i got down to the final 8 which was 4th or 5th round but due to poor car count didn't pay any money. there weren't any other mavericks there but i did try to get us some publicity. i will try to put our winners circle picture up which is now also our new years car since my mom ran out of christmas cards.
Great job Matt! We didn't make it ourselves...but it sounds like a GREAT time! I'm so jealous that you won that flying toilet. I've always wanted to try one of those. Congratulations again!
Oh matt. Why you picking on old Tibor. What Matt fails to mention is that Tibor was tied for the stock NHRA National Championship last year. He lost because of the way the rules were. tie breaker type of thing. And is one of the best braket racers anywhere in the country. Multiple track champion. Congratulations on the win. Did you ever get the shocks fixed?