I usually check out Craigs-List 4 or 5 times a week looking for nothing in particular, however on tuesday night I see an ad for mustang wheels. Now, I`m used to clicking on these type of ads only to see those gawd awful three spoke 80`s style wheels. Not this time. It was a terrible cell phone picture of some 2007 Bullet wheels with a good price. Even though I`m flat broke I thought I would have a look. I figured I could pass them up when I saw the condition they would be in. Turns out they were in fantastic shape, less than 500 miles on them, sale price, 2 hundred dollars!:Handshake It has been real hard to get inspired to do hours & hours of bodywork only to paint & have ugly hubcaps. Now I`m ready to get started knowing what the finished product can look like.
I check craigslist daily. I am also looking for nothing in particular, but you never know what you might find. I found the bucket seats for my Grabber there. They were out of a '96 Mustang, in really good condition and the best part is that they were free. When I got there to pick them up the guy also threw in a pair of tail light cover lenses for the Mustang, so I then turned around and sold those on ebay for about $40.