And the buyer is as concerned with the (lousy) fit of the aftermarket door gaskets as I was. Any change on the status of these? Still one mfg'er selling to multiple suppliers? He's been looking online and seeing different sellers offering these door kits and is thinking they are all made by different firms... Also, I told him I'd ask here (Craig?) if anyone has some decent factory ones for sale.
Still the same manufacturer for these. I really don't see that ever changing. One can occasionally see NOS ones on eBay. I have not had the issues that others have had. While not 100% perfect in every way, they are a more than suitable replacement.
I have very little experience but after looking at a couple originals, found you'll probably install the replacements on wrong side(at least that's how mine were when I bought my Comet)... Was all but impossible to get a properly adjusted door shut... Oh it'll compress, was answer I got... BS.. I damaged ones on door removing them, left ones on body in place, door shuts like a new car... One of these days I'll get another set...
Mike called and found out these are "Fairchild KF3077" and are made to order, taking 4 months from payment to shipping. Never heard of this outfit before...
Thanks, it's a lovely car. I just don't have enough "back" left to do anything on it. Here's a link to the Fairchild Maverick parts, all made on order with a 4 month mfg time. Might be a viable option from the "other" mfg'er...