you guys might remember seeing a thread not too long ago from one of them nutty new guys(that would be me) concerning the removal of the gas tank. when i removed my tank i discovered that i had, unintentionally, torn my old, dry-rotted rubber Filler Neck Seal/Gasket connecting the neck to the tank. there was some talk in the thread about replacements, possibly compatability with mustang parts. so i put in some time to try and find a new one, because...well...i needed it! however, this is what i discovered(this may be old news to you some of you) -mustangs use a rubber hose, similar to the maverick/comet gasket/seal, but ultimatly incompatible at least with the 74 tank, but i would assume the others are the same. -most dealerships do not carry parts for the maverick, and the ones i spoke to refused to help me find a compatible at all once i told them how old my car was. -no reproduction is made, as far as I can tell. I went to 5 different autoparts stores from the lowly Advance Auto Parts and Auto Zones to KOI Affiliates and NAPA. I called classic car shops, the whole nine yards. no one seems to make a reproduction. so...where does this leave me, and the rest of us, who foolishly remove the gas tank on their main form of transportation? i'll tell you. it leaves them in a very creative mood. i was cursing myself for being ridiculously overconfident in my abilities to succesfully service my vehicle without something going wrong, and got to thinking about anything i knew that even LOOKED like this bloody seal, so i bootleg a new one. and thats how i ended up in the plumbing aisle at Home Depot buying a 2"- 2" rubber coupling. it took some "finaggeling" but i got this wonderfull piece of new rubber to sit tightly in my tank, and the filler neck sits in snuggly too. i'm going to fill in the edges of the seal with 'form-a-gasket' to ensure a completley perfect fit. its taller than the old one, but not to the point where it gets in the way. the side of it is toothed so it hold in to the tank better. i'll add a picture of it stuck into my tank ASAP. i haven't seen how it'll hold up to fuel yet, but at this point i don't have much to lose. i think it'll be okay, the label didn't mention anything about not being fuel resistant. so this brings us to the point of this post. i'll let you know tomorrow when i get the tank reattached and the car running about any problems i've had with it...but if it works out, heres the information for the mean Reproduction Filler Neck Seal! Brand: Fernco Product Name: PlumbQwik Product Number: P22U-205 Size: 2" opening and exit. thats all, Jim
They are reproduced Autokrafters sells them for $25 or $30. Do a google search and you will find their site. Seth
The hardware store has helped me out more than a few times in similar situations. I think you will be OK with the coupler. Also, I've bought 30 inch long formed cooling hoses at the part store and paid $20 for them only to cut out a 5" bend or flare end that I needed to adapt something. Just keep an eye on the coupler to make sure it does not get soft and spongy feeling. My guess is it will go the other way - the gas will probably wash away the oils in the rubber over time and it will turn hard as a rock. Cleaver
hmmm...Autokrafters makes them? wow...i've got about five of thier catalougs and i couldn't find it in any of them. well, now i know how to do it RIGHT next time
Wow, thanks for the information, guys! I have encountered the same problem with the Merc1 when I removed the gas tank to have it repaired. Since the Merc is a '71 I have been unable to find a replacement gas tank so I had the original coated and so far so good! However the filler neck seal information is much needed. I just was careful and reused my old one.
As per the trusty Shop Manuals ... the Maverick Fuel Tank Filler Pipe Seal does not cross-reference with any other car - it is unique to the Maverick. Part #: D0DZ-9072-A. Greens does not have any NOS so I guess AutoKrafters is the only resort. FYI - I have the 72 Shop Manual so newer models may be different. Just looked - I don't see it on AK website - they sell the floor seal - which cross-references with the Mustang floor seal. I would think that rarely does AK have custom parts made for Mavericks. Most of their stuff is just Mustang parts that happen to cross with a Maverick. That is why I try to never purchase their - my local Classic Mustang shop has the parts cheaper (Mustangs Unlmited) and I can pick it up in person.
DM; ever try Melvin's in Conyers? They probably have the same stuff, but they have a big selection of Mustang stuff. We should all get together some time and compare notes. Earl
Yeah - I have heard of Melvin's but that is a cruise for me - over an hour ... MU is about 30 minutes or so ...
I just pulled the seal out of a 72 tank. It is in perfect condition and still very flexible. Will trade for 1971 Maverick Owners Manual in Mint Condition or $35 shipped (thats how much the manual is gonna cost me through a dealer). Thanks .. Dan
jerry, i just got off auto krafters and all i found was the boot for the trunk seal. could i have over looked the tank seal? ...frank...:bananaman :bananaman
Frank; sometimes AK has things that don't make it into their catalogue. Call them up, and ask for it in particular, and see if they carry it. Might have been procurred after the catalogue came out. Later, Earl
earl, are you saying they paid someone to cure this seal is why you called it pro curred? ...frank...:bananaman :bananaman
Frank; had mad cow disease, and someone paid to have it destroyed and reconstituted as a new seal. Is there such a thing as 'mad seal' disease? Earl
Auto Krafters 1-800-228-7346 I have a catalog for 2005 shop on line. Page's 2&14 71-77 Fuel Filler Pipe-To-Trunk Floor Seal P/N D1ZZ-9008 $25.95 Page 29 71-75 Fuel Tank-To-Filler Pipe Seal p/n D1ZZ-9072 $19.95 Ken Thompson