Went to take the maverick for a spin, fired it up ran good for about 5 minutes and died and wouldnt restart. Took the fuel filter off, had sugar in it, took the carb apart it had sugar in it. Needless to say, I have a mess on my hands,,,, I pitty the fool who messed with my car, but anyways,,, Whats the best way to get this crap out of my fuel system? This sucks cause I just bought a new electric fuel pump and it did not have 30 minutes on it and now its junk. I have no idea on who or why, but if I find out who, they gonna be walkin too!!!! I know,, two wrongs dont make a right.
How can you tell it's sugar? How would it get up to your filter and in you carb? I thought the basis behind putting sugar in your tank was that it would dissolve ..
i always thought sugar was one of the more harmless things you could do. i dont have any expierence doing it but i thought it was just a temperary thing and would eventually disolve out of the fuel system
Sugar dissolves completely in gasoline (you cannot tell it's there) then passes into the engine where it quickly carmelizes into a gooey mess, plugging up the rings and laying some ugly deposits on the cylinder walls. Sorry to say, you'll be tearing down the motor for (at least) a ring job... Russ
Mythbusters I believe that the Mythbusters did an episode where they ran an engine for quite a while with sugar in the tank. The engine ran just fine and suffered no ill effects. I don't think it had an electric fuel pump, though. Why would someone do something like that with gas prices as high as they are? Do you have an angry ex or something?
Sugar in the fuel tank wasn't a myth, While I've never seen it done, I heard of (first hand)several instances where it was and it DID screw things up. Watched the Myth Busters many times, and many times, they altered the outcome or failed to try things that I knew would bring results. They're good to watch but they're not perfect.
I'm not sure I understand Are you saying that the mythbusters did not test sugar in a gas tank? I assure you that they did, and the engine ran just fine. I would not automatically assume that an engine must be rebuilt just because it had some sugar in the gasoline. As far as them modifying the results - I have no information on that, other than it IS television, after all. I think they're pretty straight-forward with their attempts, and results.
When it dries a little in open air, it reforms into a jelly like substance, and its sweet to the taste, when its fully dry its hard like a crystal. Now its smoking a little, it runs ok once I got the carb cleaned out and added a little lawn mower gas tank to feed it for now. Im worried cause I dont want it to get damaged any more by vandals,,, and I live in a neighborhood watch type location,,, maybe thats what it means,, somebody does something, and all they do is watch???
Can you put a lock on the gas cap? Had a 66 mustang that had a locking device, you had to open the trunk and depress a pin to open the gas cap
I never said the engine would need a rebuild. Just that the sugar did screw things up. Why don't you try it and get back to us on the results. Go pour a 5 lb bag into your tank and let us know what happens.
Baddad, Ill let ya know... LOL!!! I had about 3 gallons in the tank,, Im suspecting a 5 lb bag. it didnt run long,,, long enough to plug it all up and stall out the fuel pump.
I have always heard this. I put a teaspoon of sugar in 3 oz of gas and it hasn't disolved in 3 hrs. I have always heard this,and wanted to do it.