It's been 20 years since I have done any serious artwork, either due to lack of time or lack of inspiration. I drove passed on old farm last month and like most farms around here, it had it's usual collection of old cars parked in the meadow. All of a sudden, inspiration wacked me right between the eyes. Would'nt it be cool to stumble on an old field with a bunch of Mavericks parked in it? With that idea in mind, Maverick Meadow was born. Most of my artist supplies are pretty old, so I decided to try a medium I never used before: professional grade artist colored pencils. I also never tried drawing cars before, so this is also a first for me. Nothing on this piece is computer generated. The only use of the computer was to find good quailty Maverick photos and to research different barn constructions. The meadow was done from memory of an old wild meadow in the county were I grew up. The barn is long gone, so I had to improvise a little there. Call it Artist Liberty. For some reason, my camera will not photograph it very well, but at any rate , here it is. What'cha think?
Jean, that is absolutely awesome. That is now my new wallpaper. If that green was grabber green and you had a red one in there, you'd have all of my colors. Anyway, great job...I love it.
Thanks everyone. Your'e kind words make this little labor of love worth the time it took to do it. I've been working on this piece for over a month and thought I'd never get it done. I spent a few hours on it every night and finaly got it finished last night. It really does look better in person. I think the reason it didn't photograph well is because of it's size. The whole picture measures 14" by 17". The toughest part was getting the cars just right, both in shape and color. A LONG time ago I used to sell my artwork so I could afford to buy my first car. Believe me, the term 'Starving Artist' is no joke. I did raise enough to pay for half the cost of my first car. My folks chipped in the rest. Here's another shot of just the cars.
Jean, I absolutely love artwork like that!! What a talented lady you are! Something like that would be neat on the calendar. Dan