If you were picking between MSD street fire and Ford Racing wires which one would you pick? http://www.jegs.com/i/MSD+Ignition/121/5554/10002/-1 http://www.jegs.com/i/Ford+Racing/397/M-12259-M301/10002/-1 thanks
these are the plug wires i use. they have a lifetime warente. a friend of mine was on a raceing team that dynoed every wire they could get and these made the most power. ive used them for 10 years on different cars. mind and customer cars. ive only had to warente them when they got burned on a header tube. there was no problems with geting it warenteed. (through summit racing). i also find they dont pull apart as easly as the msd, ford, or taylor wires. i know they are pricy but its the last set you will ever have to buy. http://www.jegs.com/i/Accel/110/7054/10002/-1?parentProductId=747748
I put the MSD's on abt 3 mos ago and very satisfied w/ the results; I also changed plugs so can't really say what made the most improvement. I can't comment on the Ford Racing wires - probably not a lot of difference. Anything is an improvement over old wires.
Thanks Bryant and Mojo. I went with the Accel 7054 (Bryants Recomendation). Luckly I had a coupon so they only cost me about $80 including tax and everything. They sound like good quality, so thanks Bryant.