I've seen worst Mavs in Mercadolibre, thank God I didn't save the pics of those monsters, otherwise your eyes would be suffering for seeing such uglyness.
I wonder of those exhaust tips are actually connected to the exhaust, or if they're like soup cans screwed into the bondo...
Wow Not sure if this is even for real...so I don't know if I should laugh or feel sorry for the guy. But the "cardboard and popsicle sticks" comment is the funniest thing I've read in a long time. You've gotta hand it to the Latino guys though...they have ingenuity! I see lots of those "one of a kind" projects running around Nashville. To each his own. If you want to make your car into "the oscar meyer wienermobile" or something I say more power to you and be proud! Personal taste (or lack thereof) is what makes this hobby so entertaining. Think of how rarely you see a complete project that doesn't immediately make you think in your head of how "it would be cool" if they just didn't do this or if they add that. For example...think of how many half ass mustang projects you've seen in one lifetime....almost endless. "WOW" is all that can be said. Even more entertaining to me is when someone actually has money and buys every accessory made for their vehicle and puts ALL OF IT on their car and thinks its an upgrade....plastic chrome flames around every nook and cranny or body detail, etc. But...If it makes you happy.....as they say...Rock on.
kinda cool actually.... I say if you're gonna do a "lil Eleanor" why not go all out and make it out of a geo metro or yugo....that would turn heads.
I would drive the Mustang II version until it died from exhaustion. I love it like a fat kid loves cake. I don't really dig the Maverick one. The front end alone is enough for me to not like it. I would, however, drive the crap out of it. Especially with a 428 and a 4 speed.
One of my pasion its the resto mod & cut chop & rebuilt its adicction so ta think thats i really nice resto mod work don't ya think?
Or a Smart-4-2? Behold the Smart GT 50% And with a model which I think proves that pretty girls are made prettier with an ugly friend close by.
OMG! That thing is so wierd looking. I almost choked on my lunch from laughing so hard. As for the ' Shelby Maverick ', it's different. Not my cup of tea, but different. Some of the comments on that site are vicious.
GT50% huh? That much? Maybe if GT stands for "Gone Transsexsual." Anybody else notice these cars have 3-lug wheels? I think they did that to emphasize the minimalistic nature of these abominations, but for all they blather on about safety, that's a horribly stupid idea. If you lose a stud, or some greasemonkey doesn't tighten a lug nut, you're fine on a 4 or 5-lug wheel. As long as you have three lugs you're relatively safe because you'll have pressure on opposite sides of the wheel hub holding it on. But there is no margin for error with 3 lugs. There's a reason no other car does that.