I can't get my sport lamps to work. I have replaced the relay and still no lights. I have read about a separate switch to operate them. My car is a true grabber but no switch to be found.... What would the wiring be to the switch? Maybe someone used it for something else back in the day...... Thoughts or ideas?
The sportlamp switch is located mid-dash just under the metal part of the dash. It is basically a toggle switch that hangs down. The 71's did not have a relay that I know of, but the 72 Grabbers had a relay that was located inside the driver's side kick panel. The switches are different IIRC. Silver tab that says "SPORTLAMPS" located in the middle of this picture (this is a 72, but the location of the switch is the same):
It has never been totally understood why - but some '71's have the relay and some don't. Must have been a mid-year production change. Here is what the switch looks like - mounts under the metal dash near the radio. See if you at least have the wiring there if the switch is gone.