Here are the pics I took. My camera battery went dead before the day was over. Hopefully somebody got some more pictures of us at the cruise-in. Stampede Pictures
I absolutely had a blast. These things just keep getting better and better. It was great seeing everyone again. Can't wait 'till next time!
John called about 6:45 AM and said he was back home. glad he had a safe was nice seeing him and Pinky... Pinky did great, just needs to learn some...Street Manners... Frank-N-Patches...
Great pics Jeff! Thanks for sharing. Wish I coulda made it but I couldn't leave the shop Friday due to employee shortage problems so I couldn't leave Friday like I had planned. I've looked forward to my Ga trip every year for the last 4-5 years. Well, I'm glad you guys had a great time. Hopefully I'll see you next time around.
We had a blast! Laughed alot and enjoyed the people,cars,and conversation. I have more pics being developed that I`ll post later on today. I need to get set up with one of the online photo album hosts like Jeff has. Here are a Few of highlights from our day.
had an awesome time... dylan said now he needs to get a maverick... so hes not the guy with no car hahahah... next time im gonna be in mine too so i look forward to it.... GREAT BUNCH OF GUYS!!! CANT WAIT TIL NEXT TIME
Glad he made it back home. Looks like you guys had a blast! Frank, did patches get a new friend named "fank" or did you forget how to spell your name?
Stayed overnight in Byron, and just got home a bit ago. Had a great time, and look forward to the next one! I'll post some of my pics later, when I can get them out of the camera. Good job, everybody!
Great time!!!! I've got pics that I will post later. Planning for the next year's Stampede begins now.