I am in process of converting my leaky worn power steering,72 mav 302 into manual my question is the stock gearbox for power steering is about a 16:1 ratio manual box is 20:1 will i be shooting myself in the foot(arms) keeping the power box in or should i swap it out for a manual box 16:1 versus 20:1 less effort not as quick any input actual experience would be helpful :Handshake
This has been discussed alot, I even think someone did a nice comparison write-up. The general consensus is to use the power gear box with the manual steering setup. The power gear box is indeed more effort, but as long as you are not running 255 (or other super wide tire) up front, and understand that turning the steering wheel at a stop (which is where power steering really helps you out) will be harder, then the power gear box works just fine. I cannot find the comparison thread, maybe someone has it saved.
I have the power steering box on my manual steer. It only hurts when sitting still. At 10 mph or better you can't tell much difference. If you plan on a lot of parallel parking then you will like the manual steering box better.