I was trying to crank one of my 74 Mavs that hasn't been started in a while. When I turned the key off I couldn't get it to stop turning over. I turned the key back and forth and even pulled it out but engine continued to turn over till it ran the battery completely down. Any ideas? Wondering if it would be in the switch itself or starter? Thanks
Starter solinoid stuck on...Probably from sitting/lack of use. Or a weak battery/bad connection...Wont be the starter, it only reacts to input from the solinoid. Possible ign switch but I doubt it. Replace the solinoid...
A few months ago replaced Solenoid, Voltage Regulator, plugs, wires & coil. The battery was very low. Wouldn't turn over so hooked charger/starter to it. That's when it happened?
I've found that when they do this the best way to stop it is to tap it with a small hammer or screw driver handle.
Just because you replaced the solenoid, doesn't guarantee you got a good one. They don't make em like they used to. Do what MaverickDan suggested and keep a small hammer handy for "next time" . A weak battery will do the same thing and used to be the sure bet when this happened, now it's more likely the solenoid, be it new or used. I replaced mine a year or so ago and it did the same thing for a few weeks afterwards before it settled down and functioned right.
Thanks for the feedback guys! I will replace Solenoid & Battery & hopefully be good to go. :Handshake
Just count your blessings as the car didn't start! Then you may have had to replace a ring gear and starter!
I just had that happen to my 70. I had to replace the bottom switch and the ignition switch with the key.
I had it happen to my 73. After replacing almost the whole starting system, we found out it was the grounds. Cleaned them up and it never happened again. I also ran a ground from the engine to the fender apron. That was 14 years ago. Good luck!
Stuck Solenoid.. Low voltage will make them stick on it happened to me...during a jump start when i left my dome light on. I got out fast and banged the solenoid fast with a flashlight and it stopped. I knew exactly what only one thing could do that. Later, I loned the car to my Mom and she was somewhere in the boonies and it stuck on.... burned up the starter motor (optima battery....omg)