Hi, Can you reccomend, who is producer of good, reliable stroker kit. And the other question, little bit off topic... but where I can find info how to modify new '08 stang gt, street/strip, suspension, engine etc. Thanks!
http://www.coasthigh.com/Assemblies/Ford/ford_347.htm get the 2nd street fighter kit with the 5.315 rods. All the kits come with forged pistons from probe. where as some other companies only provide Hypereutectic pistons. They are good, but if you want to go with a supercharger or nitrous down the road, they dont really hold up. CHP is cheap too....995 or so for the kit.... GET IT BALANCED!!!!! whatever you go with. it'll cost extra, but you just have too. it's the non-oil burning kit. i love mine.