Hi people, not a mega choice of stuff for Mavericks and Ford V8's over here, so can some of you tell me if this sump will fit my standard 302 Grabber, and if these headers will fit (302 C4 auto will convert to cable linkage) although they look like 1.1/2" and I would prefer 1.5/8" primaries...
A Mustang II has a rear sump pan, it will not work in a Maverick in its stock configuration. If that is in fact a Mustang II oil pan then the pickup is not the correct one. The headers are another matter, you will need to ask the person what the part number is on them. You cannot just look at a set to see if they fit or not. Good luck
Cheers yes I should have just asked you if a mustang was front or rear sumped... With the headers I wasn't sure if the ones to fit a Mav were a distinctive shape or anything!
Pretty sure that's a front sump oil pan. You can see where the flange kicks inward which would be next to the starter. Should fit but it will be very close to the belly bar.
Will any 302 front sump fit or are they car specific? Also- am I right to assume 1.5/8" headers will be the best choice?
Your Maverick will take the pan you're looking at. It's the Mustang II that needs a specific pan so that it does hit the rack, and yes, they are front sump as well. If you don't go for the pan you're looking at on Ebay (you have 1 day left), avoid the oil pans with the big square kickouts at the bottom as they may hit the chassis right below the motor mounts. Headers: The 1.5" primaries will be enough unless you're planning on running over 6000 rpm. They'll give you good bottom end torque. Good luck.