I'm wanting to install a mustang 2 front suspension kit, was wondering if heidts has a kit the would work without modification? Maybe like a 66 mustang one?
Lots of companies make kits, specific for Mavericks, use the search function, and more information than you'll need will come up.
What's your concern, time? Cost? Skill level? It took me 15 hours from drilling the first spot weld to having the crossmember tacked in on my RCM clip (would have taken < half that time with a plasma cutter). The weld-out, steering column mods, and trimming took much longer. But if you're just worried about going from a roller back to a roller, plan on 20 hours or so...
As Dave mentioned use the "search" feature as there are many ways to do a MII swap - R & C seems to be the most common direct fit but I've done it differently with some extra fab work along the way as have others