Bryant and I got everything done in a full day. We got the C4 out, got the T5 in, welded up tranny crossmember, made hard lines for the hydraulic setup. We did great. Today we went back to finish up the hydraulic setup and looks like with the CNC stuff we have we can't get the clutch to fully engage. I was online doing some research and seems like there should be plenty of travel with the CNC master and slave cylinder. I'm thinking that there might be still air in the lines even though Bryant and I power bled the system several times. Any other ideas?
Is it a push or pull type setup? How did you mount the slave to the T5? Is it a fabricated bracket? If so, perhaps the bracket dimensions are wrong?
it's a push type. the slave attaches with a nonadjustable mount. the bracket is mass produced, don't see that causing any trouble. The pedal we have has the master cylinder built (similar to the pic except our reservoir is remote). The pedal moves 8" which makes the slave cylinder move the clutch bracket move 0.46".
No pics... can't see them. So you say the clutch wont fully engage, that means the fork is not moving far enough toward the rear of the bellhousing. (T5 forks pivot on the end, not in the center, correct?) That would only mean the slave cylinder is bottoming out. Does the clutch fully engage with the slave cylinder rod removed? If so, then the adjustable rod is too long, or the slave cylinder is too close to the fork. If the clutch does not engage with the slave cylinder rod removed, there is a problem with your clutch/press plate/fork.
Sounds like the slave does not have enough travel or,you have a pressure plate thats hung up/binding OR... The slave/master does not produce enough force to overcome the pressure plate. .46" isnt enough to disengage the clutch in any car.You should see at least an inch of travel(not including the free play travel) on the clutch fork. You guys will sort it out Mo, dont you just love hot rods?! Good luck man!!!
we swaped out the master cylinder and the slave cylinder with different sizes. after lots of bleeding and trying different combinations of sizes, we still couldnt get enough travel. this is our first time working with cnc hydrolics. we talked with some one who used them before and he said that we will never get all the air out of the m/c with it mounted horizontaly. he recomended removing it and bench bleeding it with the out let pointed as far up as possible to get the air out. that makes sence to us so that will be our next step. mo has lots of good pics and when we are done im sure he will post a good detailed writeup.
the last time i bled a hydrolic clutch i had to pump the pedal and then had to hold the slave from returning while my buddy lifted the pedal slowly.took a couple shots and the travel went from half inch to nearly 1.5.
we have been useing a pressure bleeder. perhaps that part of the problem. sence the pedal doesnt move and leave the air bubble in the m/c that is above the outlet.