I just started my T5 conversion and i'm making a new trans mount for it so i'll post my progress and ideas and see what y'all think. I'm making the mount out of square tubing and for a better drive angle i'm lowering the motor 1/2". Hope it all goes well!
i'm going to try and keep my stock mount in tact if i can in case i decide to go back to original later. but thanks for the info!!
im sure you would be able to sell or trade a t5 mount for a stock one if you ever did want to go back.
Looks good. Go ahead and make me one too while you are at it. My welding buddy moved 20 miles away and I'll be tackling my T5 swap pretty soon also. I don't think the crossmember I made for my AOD is going to work with a t5, plus yours looks much nicer.
great job! I like the look. You know, you should make some templates of that or maybe make some because people on the board have been asking for these for a while.
thanks! i'm not done yet because i ran into some clearance issues once i'm done with it i'll pose the rest of the pics along with explanations.
Here is the final product. Instead of using the stock mount i bolted the member to the actual transmission with some rubber in between. when i first made it the holes for the bolts were right on the edge of the tubing so i cut a slot out of it and welded another section in to off set the middle of the member. Hope y'all like it.
I like it. I don't have any plans to go manual trans. but, that's a darn gud lookin piece of work. Those are some great lookin weld beads. Like to see some more of ur work in the future.
The Welding is good! It looks like a great job - except for one thing... What you have is a mount that only gives in the down direction. You need another piece of rubber at the bottom with either big washers or a plate between the rubber and the bolts. So the sandwich goes: transmission, rubber, crossmember, rubber, plate (or big washers), and then the bolts. That way you won't break the transmission tail housing under rough use.
Like Paul was saying, the transmission needs to TWIST. Have you seen how much your motor twists under a load? The Tail shaft needs to be able to twist on the mount, otherwise you can crack the tailshaft. Just adding to what Paul was saying.