What trans mount are you guys using? I got a stock t5 mount for a mustang and this thing is really tall. I no it doesn't matter because im making the crossmember but if i could tuck i under the car more with a shorter mount thats what i would like to do. What i mean is the crossmember is gonna hang down alot, with a shorter mount it wouldn't have to hang down as much. What do you all think? Thanks
Thanks Earl, but im referring to the rubber mount that goes between the trans and 71golds crossmember.
Well if i go to to Autzone and get one they are gonna ask what car....lol. Did you get one for a maverick or something else? Thanks
Just checkin i no sometimes is easier to get stuff for mustangs and such. Iv'e asked a few times for stuff for a maverick and they never have it. Thanks