I heard today that Ford intends to "phase out" the Mercury division. Has any one else heard this? If it is true it is truly a sad day.
Merc Gone This is true!!!!! It was posted on the Car Guy's Show newsletter in Fort Worth TEXAS. Texasjack
I just did a search and read about. Yep it seems to be true. I work at a Dodge Jeep dealer and it looks like Dodge is going away too..sort of. Trucks will become the RAM line. Not 100% sure what they are doing about the cars.
Sergio will have us all driving Fiats soon enough.LOL. In the end I think he will be good for us though. We could use the business boost thats for sure. I'm at a Chrysler dealer up here in Ontario.
I'll never forget the 1967 Cougar "at the sign of the cat" and the special turn signals. The Elemanitor 428CJ, Boss 302! A sunroof in the Cougars. The Cyclone Spoiler and the way the gauges looked in the dash. The Montego GT and the special hood. The LN7, the Z7, the Capri RS The Comet GT and its hood scoop. I will never forget my Dads '67 Mercury Park Lane Brougham with that breeze way back window and his '71 Marquise Brougham 2 door with those beautiful comfert lounge seats and 429 4V! We were the only family on the block that had a Mercury! The very first car I drove was that '67 Mercury. I was 15 years old. I guess the Market has change, mabe I have not! Everyone talks about electric cars so they will need to market them.
the problem i always had with mercury was that most of their cars were all the same as ford. just with a differant hood and say lights and maybe a bumber here and there... to people people just caught on and just bought a ford and got the same thing for a cheaper price. mercury was the red headed step child.
I just went to the Mercury site....there are only 4 models listed. Other than was boils down to rebadged Fords, the only unique thing they have is the Grand Marquis. Ford (as I understand) still builds Crown Vics but they aren't sold to the public. Police and such only. I can see why they are dropping it. I just hate to see an old name plate fade away in production....but inner-corperation competition is not a good thing as GM proved.
I happen to enjoy my red headed stepchild 71 Comet, one of only five of it's type that year. I guess two models would make it harder to sell aftermarket hoods..... Can I start calling myself the Original Comet Man?