:16suspect I tried to send this to Stephen a while back but couldn't get the jave script to run right. This was a Hertz as on USA Today the basic idea is that the "Other Guys rent you JUNK POS and the car they chose to represent the POS was a MAV. Yes getting pushed out of the way.
OK here is how to see the whole lousy ad Place the zipped file named - USATODAY_com - Interstitial - Hertz.htm - Any place you want on your computer In the same folder create a sub folder named - USATODAY_com - Interstitial - Hertz_files (I'd cut and past this name because that is what I did to get it right when I posted it.) In this sub folder place the three zipped fileds named - logo.gif sniffer.js usat.js That should allow you to view this lousy ad the way I saw it on the web. It is on my work PC and we scan everything to the max so it is safe when I upliaded the files. Can't say enjoy.
Newest Car Craft wait to you see the new march 2006 car craft on page 20! Dennis you couldn't resist huh....
Here this should work.... http://www.freewebs.com/byelich/hertz_interstitial.swf This might only work with Internet Explorer... Jason
That looks like the Texas sign but turned in reverse (which turns my stomach, since my car looks like that, AND I live in Texas. Luckily, I have never seen the sign except in the magazines and on this website!) I would guess that that sign appears in very few places, since I have never seen it. Maybe there are only a couple of signs...anyone actually seen it in person?
FWIWm I never got it to work in Firefox, IE after unzipping the file with Winwar. I saw the "flash.pdf" only (in the first post).
I uploaded the flash file to the gallery http://mmb.maverick.to/gallery/misc.php?do=downloadfile&i=1397
I re-installed MacroMedia Shockwave (10.1) and it still didn't work. :argh!: (http://sdc.shockwave.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?) I opened it successfully with Quicktime though.
That Mav again??? It's the most famous Mav EVER (!) That's just lazy design work. I do Graphic Design (and a little advertising now and then) and it's just lazy to use the same image over and over. I wonder if the same agency handled both ads - that happens sometimes (hertz is TX based, right????) Not to mention the woman pushing it is totally unconvincing looking bad photo editing and nobody has ever cleaned up the exterior beyond the farside windows (tsk tsk) I wonder where they got the original image? one of the Texas litter billboards that was in car craft was near my house - everytime we'd pass it my 4 yr old would say 'Dad! it's your Mabrik' I think if I ever get a vanity plate, it will say MAB RIK AP out
Well.... Guess I know hertz will never get any of my business. Hell, I'd rather walk than rent a car from them.
I doubt they specifically chose the car because it was a Maverick. They were probably just looking for any crappy looking car and came across that one which fit the bill perfectly. It's hard to deny that the car looks like a piece of $#!t. Scott, yours at least looks like a work in progress. The one in that commercial looks like no one has gave a rats ass about it in 20 years.