I need to renew the headers in my Comet soon, I found headers on ebay that I have not seen before. Does anybody have these installed? I probably will end up buying the Hooker 6901 In your opinion should I go with ceramic or painted? and why?
i'd be leery of any header that says it fits both the 302 and 351 in a maverick or comet. i have the coated hooker 6201's. don't know about the new thorley headers. has anyone used them yet?
Doug Thorleys fit 302 , but 351w has not been tested....yeah any header that says 302/351w most likey wont fit a 351w and prolly be some issues far as a 302. Trust me ive tried many headers before the 6208s i have now, none of which fit w/o ALOT of tube smashing and cutting tubes....
I have a 351W with 302 heads I won't be racing this car so I don't need big tube headers. But new headers I need and it won't hurt if they look good. I don't understand why the manufactuers don't make headers that will fit the maverick/comet better, the market is there.
you could try doug thorleys they have shorties for a mav.... 69 1/2 can help you get a dicount , i think all you have to do is call them and mention this site.... maybe jamie will chime in on here but they MIGHT fit a 351w not sure though
I missed the discussion about the Doug Thorley headers, just found the thread and am speachless. If this fits my comet with a 351 swap I will buy them
thats the problem we dont know yet...go ahead and buy a set 332 and some change for coated , thats a steal go look at www.dougthorley.com and look how much they are w/o discount your be our ginny pig
Yes, like Eddie mentioned, they have not been verified to fit the 351w yet. At this point I'm WILLING TO SEND THESE OUT TO SOMEBODY (for free) that can check them for me. I have a set of polished chrome ones that I will be taking to the SEMA show with me and they will be available in about three weeks to send out. I'll pm ya Eddie. BTW the headers come standard with the ceramic coating. The ceramic coating is beneficial to the motor for the following reasons... It keeps underhood temps down which equals a colder intake charge. Colder air equals more power. Since it keeps the heat in the interior of the header, it promotes velocity, which in turn equals power. It is basically corrosion resistant. We take it a step futher and have our headers coated on the inside. Most manufacturers do not. It just looks damn cool . Heres the actual link to the web site... http://www.dougthorleyheaders.com/ Jamie
If no one steps up on the 351 deal. I will trial fit them in my mav with the windsor with lots of pics and description of the install and send them back so they can be copied for more sets to be made. Let me know if I can help.
I see there are many willing to try, you can add me to the list PM or email if interested. The headers would sure look great in here: More pictures here
I had my 15 year old Blackjacks Jet-Hot coated and they still look good after almost 5 years. Heard good things about this place too http://www.nitroplate.com/index.cfm
The first headers in that auction will fit a 302 in any Maverick. The second set pictured will not fit any engine in any Maverick, no matter what their list says. I have tried... My take on the coatings is that they are snake oil for the most part. I don't know about Thorley, but other header company's coatings suck. Especially Hooker. Folks complain about them flaking and rotting away quickly. The biggest reason is that they don't coat the entire header. Just the visible outside of the tubes. If you are sold on coating, then Jet Hot is the way to go. They coat inside and out, every nook and cranny. You can buy your headers uncoated and send them to JH, send them your used headers, or JH keeps a supply of popular headers that they can coat and send out. You can buy Hookers from Jet Hot, with the JH coating, new, cheaper than you can buy new headers from Hooker with Hooker's crappy coating. I would ask Thorley if their headers are coated inside and out. If so, they might be okay. I think the difference is between spraying or dipping. Hooker sprays, JH dips. In my experience, properly painted headers last a long time. If your painted header doesn't last many years, then you didn't paint it right. Never count on the manufacturer's paint to last, it won't. You have to repaint them yourself. No way around it. Dave