The Maverick/Comet Mountain Cruz In Ontario will be in April . Most likely on a Saturday or Sunday, will see which day is best for everyone. It will start at my house and head up the a few mountain access roads, a few lookout spots, through a couple of old towns, etc, and end up at A&W for lunch. So if your local PM me for details.
I'm in Larry, sounds great i'll bring the camera for some cruising pictures. Sounds like a great time indeed. Let's see if we can get 7 or 8 Mavericks and Comets for the Mountain Cruz. And, and, and the end stop at A&W's oh yeah.
I could always come in the wifes summer car. I'll stay behind the pack. Although weather will have a lot to do with it. I wonder if my buddy would "lend" me Bucky to take it for a drive...I'll mention this to him and see if he'll join in...
Are you kidding me, Zac your more than welcome even if you bring your other car (the Mustang i assume) and if you can get the new owner of Bucky to come that would be fantastic.
Hey Zac, you can drive my Comet . It not quite finished , but I think it looks good on the back of a tow truck. haha
Well it turns out I have got a few Emails from other people that I know with other muscle cars and they want in on The Mountain Cruz. I said, BRING IT ON. All are welcome.
Allrightie. I need to get me someone with a tilt-n-load. Styling and profiling again in a don't get much better than
I'm just thinking of all the cool cruising pictures of a row 'o' Mavericks, Comets and other assorted hotrods all rolling down the road, very cool. Hey this is my 3,000th post. Woooooopie. O.k i'm calm now.
Lots of snow here Larry!!! I know the starting point is at your house (which i don't know where that is wheres it going too?
I almost forgot about the snow that we have all year round, bring 4x4 with plow for the cruz, anything will do. Even horseback. Nice pic, where is that?