One of the biggest blizzards hits the east coast and you don't have a garage to put your poor wittle mav in....
I know what you mean. My 70' has been in the shop up until about 2 weeks ago. Since then we have had snow and ice almost everyday it seems. I do not have a garage either. Thank goodness for some old "may-pops" atleast my skinney's and slicks are warm and dry in the house!
at least you can see your mav. the only thing distinguishing my comet from any other mound of snow is the antenna sticking out! Biggest problem is it is going to be in there a while. i wouldn't even know where to begin to dig it out
well... mavericks never were very good snow cars. i finally dug mine out too. poor lil mavs... buried in snow. up by my garage sit the 72 and 75..the 70 nicely tucked inside the garage. the way the wind blew drifted snow, burying both mavs..still you AZ guy can keep your 89 degrees...that's gonna turn into 119 sooner than you think!
Hey, I'd rather sweat than freeze any day of the week! My friend moved to Scottsdale from here and wants me to move there also. After this week, it's very tempting!
send me a postcard wes..... i HATE hor weather! maybe i'll come visit you some winter and maybe bring home one of those rust free AZ mavericks!
you don't hear me complaining and it was up to 89 at the race track last sunday. sorry guys i had to throw that in. now thats the new jersey i remember. born and raised in upper montclair. my back yard was on the clifton line. i know it gets hot in the summer here in az but i'll gladly take that instead of the cold any day. been here 13 years now and don't think i'll ever leave. wes what are you waiting for? if your going to live in scottsdale bring plenty of money. lot cheaper where i am 1/2 way between phoenix and tucson. drag strips in each place. scott, stay there and leave our rust free cars right here for us (ha-ha). in reality guys, best of luck with the snow and hope it don't all melt in one day.
There is a good chance that alot of the snow WILL melt all in one day. It's now raining like all hell has broken lose and the forecast is calling for all kinds of flooding in our area. Mother Nature sure loves to mess with us. At least it's not another 2 feet of snow this time!