This is why I love my Mav as a daily driver

Discussion in 'General Maverick/Comet' started by Grabber-1, Jul 28, 2015.

  1. Grabber-1

    Grabber-1 Member

    Nov 17, 2004
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    long island ny
    71 maverick
    This one explains it a little better than most of the other articles.......In a nutshell they turned off and on all kinds of different accesories and even took the tranny out of gear; killed the fuel etc. over the internet/phone on a 2013 Jeep
    I dont know if anyone has heard about this, but if you think about it its scary as hell... Im surprised this hasnt been exploited sooner, if onstar could unlock your car doors for so many years and more and more of the cars are "drive by wire" with CAN busses. Give me my good old mechanical car. :)

    If this post is in the wrong area sorry...please move to where it goes
    Shorty and Static like this.

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