Is there anyway to set the little time stamps to normal time? It all shows army time, which I have no idea how to read. For example, it says I posted this post "Today, 15:06"
LOL ... Military time .... Zulu Time ... GMT time .. If the time is 12:59 or less ... that is standard time - no calculation to do .... If the time is 13:00 or more then just subract 12 and add a PM ... For example: 15:06 - 12:00 = 3:06 PM ..... or 22:37 - 12:00 - 10:37 PM ... We strictly use GMT time at work so I guess I never noticed ... I am used to it ..
I use the 24 hour system at work as well so I am used to it. As Dan said, its easy to convert, just subtract 12 for all times after 12:59.
you have 12:00 noon next is 1300 then add 2 to the rest. 1400 =2:00pm 1500 =3:00pm and so on...frank...
I always just tell everyone to add 12 to the time after high noon (8+12=20). Never really thought about it before, I'm retired Navy (use to it)...