Hey guys so I have a 71 maverick with a 302 engine and c4 trans... It was backfiring so I was told the timing was off. I got a timing gun and I see the numbering on the pulley, but what am I supposed to line those numbers to? Also, what should my timing be? It has a mark at 6 I believe. Is that about right? But I dont know where im supposed to match that number to... any help? Ideas?
The timing pointer is a stamped steel part that's bolted to the two lower timing cover bolts on the passenger side of the cover. It's got a "point" that's positioned over the harmonic balancer where it'll be postioned over the timing marks. All that said, try timing it to 12*BTC instead of 6*BTC. 6*BTC is just plain retarded timing, it'll be a far happier motor at 12*