I have been thinking about buying an old car in Atlanta and I heard something about Georgia being a "no title state" from another board. What kind of paperwork do you guys have? Some kind of historic vehicle scandal has broke out here in NC and the word is that 80,000 historic car titles have been ordered to be reviewed and new historic titles are under the magnifying glass when issued. I just wondered if there was something I should know up front about Georgia paperwork to keep from getting in a SNAFU if this deal goes down. Any help is appreciated. Cleaver
TN told me 2 years ago that when I looking at 70 GA Maverick that I would have to have the title to register it here in Shelby county. The guy never produced it, I had over 3K in pocked for his car, he lost the sale me. I was not going to get messed up in that problem.
Here it is plain and simple. Georgia does not require a title for any car 14 years and older. You still have to register it and tag it, but you don't have to have a title. A bill of sale or a registration from the previous, signed over to you, is all that is needed to get a tag. Of the one or two Mavericks I own that were titled, the tax/tag people tried to talk me out getting them title in my name because it wasn't necessary and I could the $20 title fee. You can a get a salvage or restored title for a car that goes back on the road, but in addition to it being inspected, the work has to have been done by a certified repair place/technician. My daughter's '77 ain't getting title. I may be certifiable, but I ain't certified. One day Georgia will wake up and realize that there are people who valuable old cars and would like titles. If you can show unchallenged ownership and it passes inspection, that should be enough to get a title. May it'll change when I run for Governor. One more thing. If you register and tag a car without a title, you cannot ever get it titled unless you wreck it and have it rebuilt be a licensed rebuilder. Stinks don't it.
Thanks guys. Hawco, that confirms what I have heard and read. In addition to a bill of sale I am hearing that the NC buyer may/might/must (?) produce a receipt of registration from the previous owner otherwise a bonding process has to be used to obtain proof of ownership. That ain't goina' happen with this car. It hasn't been on the road for years. Guess I will drop by the DMV office on Monday and see if I can get a minute with one of the inspections officers. Like Tom said, I don't want to get involved in a big problem. Cleaver
The Grabber I just got from Alabama came with just a B.O.S. He gave me a copy of his registration, and I had my GirlFriend notorize it....always get it notorized, that way they can't say their siginature is forged. Be sure the B.O.S. has all the car info, seller and buyer info also. Alabama won't give you a title to a car that is pre 1975, I checked their DMV site before I got the car. I took all the information, B.O.S and pictures of the car, VIN tag, Door tag and a copy of the registration to the local DMV and they took it and said I should get a TN title in a couple of weeks. Didn't seem to bother them that I didn't have a title. Robert
Just a bit of advice when going to a gov't office. I'm going to get in trouble with part of this advice, but oh well. First, never deal with the underling at the desk. Ask to speak with a supervisor. Second, hope for a male supervisor. Women tend to go by the rules a little more strictly than guys do. A male supervisor will sometimes make an "executive decision" and approve what you brought for a title. This is not a putdown on the ladies. They are following procedure. A man sometimes thinks he can do things his way and will.